How nice it would be if you were among us!

We Are A Huge Family
We would be very happy to see you here too.
Start Your Career With Us
Let's Explain Briefly
As the Dinossi human resources team, we always want you to know that our businesses around the world need you. We want you to know that we do not only evaluate you based on your resume, education is important but for us, the priority in qualification is not graduating from fancy schools. According to our policies, your human aspects are more important to us than anything else, not your information written on paper. It is important for you to know that everyone is equal in our company, from senior management to our store teams, from the shipping unit to our cleaning teams.
Let's read the details below.
If we need to mention briefly, as dinossi, none of our employees are superior to anyone in subordinate and superior relations, no one judges anyone, women are subject to paid leave on their special days, 86% of female employees are dominant and all our women employees have achieved the greatest success in making dinossi loved by millions of users, there are no ego wars, compulsory university level education is not required, there are game rooms in our offices in England, Germany and America, there are never and never will be any discriminations such as religion, race, color, human rights to live and special days are respected, our employees in all international countries receive their salaries not in the local currency of that country but in the currency of England, which is the central management of dinossi (it is the most valuable currency in the whole world). You can easily talk to your general managers about all your problems and find solutions in a certain period of time, all company income is shared with your colleagues in a completely transparent manner, and you will not be unhappy in terms of living standards. In fact, we are not an employee but a new member of our family. We are waiting for your arrival with excitement.
Our team is growing every day and we want you to know that we will never start you off with a hiring process that we do not like, such as filling out pages of resumes.
A human resources officer who will chat with you will call you after your application and get your information via phone or video call.
Dinossi! As founding companies, we would like you to know that you will also be offered more than one of our group companies. Our open positions: 🙂 Sorry, we do not have a concept of open positions, we have positions opened for those who want to work with us. You can definitely contact us using the standard contact form below, regardless of your professional career and to have a working experience above all European standards. In the message section, we prefer you to write about what you enjoy rather than your education life and what you wish you had a job and would be incredibly successful if I did it.
Tell us about yourself. Please contact us via our e-mail address, including brief details about yourself and of course your contact information.
Our Head Offices

Dinossi continues to show that the world is a common area for everyone with the social projects he has done with WWF worldwide against animal violence. We are against the implementation of the LAW for Animals in Turkey without any infrastructure. First of all, it is necessary to create adequate shelters. Remember, this world belongs to all of us, regardless of whether we are humans, plants or animals, and it will become much more beautiful when we manage to live together by respecting each other.